Since I've added this blog to a Facebook application, I thought "sheit" I better write something. At least add a few interesting links dammit!
Okay what color is that? Word List
Mmmm I should promote some friends. How about Steph at her blog and her Stephanie Fowler Photography site. Also check out Ivy at Ivy Reynolds Photography. Ivy won this years PDN's Top Knots Wedding Photography Contest, if you follow the link the bride in the image you see on the cover is Steph. One of the few weddings I actually snuck into... errr was invited too. I still dream of Steph's ding dong (yes the hostess kind) wedding cake mmmmm. So we all know each and I can recommend both since I've hired them both twice in the past to work for me at two different companies. Both wonderful people and photographers.
Some fun, Worst Album Covers Ever
Last and most strange, absurdly humorous and certainly NSFW (not safe for work) The Erotic Falcon
Awwww, thanks Allen! You are too kind!
Congratulations on making the first comment on my blog. So lets not get too carried away, its not like I have anyone reading it. Wait a minute! You read my blog?!
its true, i read your blog, can you believe it?
I can't believe, but it could be why your operator totals in the Lab have shown a noticeable drop over the last few months. Don't make me come in there!
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