
The Notorious "Dean the Kid"!

What is the high bid  
for this Dean the Kid

An idea I say

to the park all day.

Run, swing, all so fast.

Add Mom, what a blast.

Down a big slide, will he ever tire?

Then make a wish, watch it float higher

What is the high bid  
for this Dean the Kid

For tired I am
for green eggs and ham.



If you know me, you probably have a pretty good idea that I go to Vegas. Some may say I go a lot. Though I bet if you got free rooms, food, drinks, maybe some money, and a show thrown in, you would consider going as well.

Guess what I got for this weekend?

Guess where I'm going? :)

However, its not always play when I go. The last time I was in Vegas, I had a chance to do a quick street shoot with a bit of a retro look. Check it out!.

Wish me luck!


Dignity Memorial Vietnam Wall

Yesterday I volunteered as the photographer for the arrival of the Dignity Memorial
Vietnam Wall at Rose Hills Memorial Park & Mortuary. From their web site here,
"the wall is a ¾-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., inscribed with 58,261 names belonging to men and women who served and sacrificed for our nation."

I doubt many people would argue about the politics and justification of that war. Some of you may not even have been around when it was occurring. Even so, many people forget or simply don't realize that there was a draft then and many of those that served did not have a choice in their involvement.  The point is, this isn't about the politics it is about honoring the ones that didn't come back home.

A lot of people participated, volunteered and came to be a part of the arrival.  The L.A. County Fire Department, Police, and many motorcycle rider groups escorted the truck carrying the wall all the way in from Indio. 

There was a short ceremony before construction of the wall began. A purple heart was donated from a family who had lost a member. This was symbolic of the one that now resides within the original wall in Washington D.C.

Each of the names on the Wall will be read aloud with the help of volunteers from our community while it is in Whittier. The Wall will be the centerpiece of a weeklong program of special events held at Rose Hills Memorial Park, and will be open for visitation 24 hours a day. It was and will be a very relaxed and casual event.

 The actual opening ceremony takes place on March 23rd at 3:00pm. The wall will then be open to the public 24 hours a day until March 30th. If you haven't seen the original Vietnam Veterans Memorial wall or even if you have, its worth stopping by Rose Hills in Whittier and viewing the  Dignity Memorial Vietnam Wall . I'll be there Tuesday through Thursday in the late afternoons.

Boudoir deux

As promised I've selected a few more to Boudoir images to highlight.

As shown above, there is nothing like the traditional boudoir image in the bedroom, after all that is what the word Boudoir means. However, I just can't help but love offering and doing something a little different with outdoor shoots as well. For me adding in the natural beauty of the landscape with that of the subject not only makes them that much more unique, but even more special. 

I touched on this previously, but it can't be said enough. You don't have to have supposed model looks to look great and feel great about a boudoir shoot. That is one of the wonderful things about them. It can truly change your outlook about yourself. 


Again, the end result can reveal the beauty that you might not have known you possess. 

No matter how you think you look and whether you do this for yourself and/or for another I can promise that you will be happy and feel good about the outcome. 


Would you..... Boudoir?

I have been asked if I would shoot Boudoir photography. The answer is, "Of course!"  While I like to think I have my specialties, I also believe I'm not limited in my versatility.   I love to photograph all subjects.  Through the lens, new discovery is found.   

Boudoir can be very intimate and special.

True it can be a bit intimidating for the subject at first.


But the end result can reveal the beauty that you might not have known you possess.

When the opportunity presents itself, I also like to add a twist with Boudoir and go outdoors for a little adventure. 





More to come.