
All Me, All Day, All the Time

If you are anywhere near Ft. Collins, CO you may consider stopping by The Center for Fine Art Photography. I managed to bribe.. errrr, be accepted into the current "Edgy" exhibition now showing. You can also see it on line through the link above on their name. Not surprisingly, you can find my submission way down almost at the bottom.

If you are in school you may come have come across an issue of PDNedu. Again I managed to extort..errrrrr, get a runner up status in the still life category. You can view all the winners (and me again in the back) again through the link in their name above.

So you should be asking yourself, damn if he can win why can't I. And you are right. So check out my last two journals for contests still open and go for it. Oh and just for giggles here are some new ones:

AN-NE Marketing Awards

Exposure, Artists Wanted

PIX 14th Digital imaging Award



American Idol and more contests

Okay I watch it, though more so at the beginning for all the usual disillusioned horrible singers fun. However, lately I've been both annoyed and thrilled by the continued presence of Jason of the Dreadlocks. I mean sure its fun to yell at the tv while he is getting judge feedback, "Run Forrest Run!". Or simply mumble like my fiance, "grrrrrr die!!!". Though in reality when Simon said to Jason for his critique, "Pack your bags". What he really should have said was, "Pack your bong".

The Pilsner Urquell International Photography Awards has extended their deadline . There is a discount on the entry fee for students and non-professionals.

Here is a free one from Professional Photographer Magazine due by May 31st.

Livebooks has one that ends this month I believe it is free to students.

This one ends May 12th at Photographer's Forum Magazine. With a small fee of $4.95 per entry.

So who do you think will get voted out tonight. One of the 3 singers left or the box of rocks?